University of Warsaw Physics Students Club
We are SKFiz UW, or University of Warsaw Physics Students Club, and we meet at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
Amongst our many activities, these are and were the most important:
- weekly seminars with prominent physicsts
- didactic shows in schools and at scientific events such as the Science Picnic
- Theoretical physics meetings - regular discussions dedicated especially for the youngest students who are interested in theoretical physics
- Wikiproject - improvement of the quality of articles on physics in Polish Wikipedia
- Summer Scientific Schools - annual camp for gifted high school students
- SKFiz Camp - annual summer camp for SKFiz members, with physics, philosophy, hiking and climbing in Tatry mountains
- Scientific expedition to Chernobyl - organized in 2011 in cooperation with students of chemistry and psychology
- VII OSKNF (7-10.11.2008, Warsaw) - 7th edition of the largest annual conference for Polish physics students
- tutoring during Polish Children's Fund scientific workshops
In 2010 we had an honour to host prof. Kenneth G. Wilson, Nobel Physics Prize winner. You can see video here.
You could have met us at :
- Balaton Summer School in Physics (here are our photos and opinions)
If you want to cooperate with us, help us in any of our projects or if you have some ideas you would like to share - write an email (lp.ude.wuf|zifks#lp.ude.wuf|zifks).
wersja strony: 17, ostatnia edycja: 19 Nov 2013 23:48